How Can We Tell Our Story (And Get Better Results)?
Having expertise about a product or service can actually be an obstacle to communicating about it effectively to customers, partners, and investors. It’s hard to see the forest for the trees when you have been steeped in features and benefits and specs all day long. You are often giving too much information or too little, losing peoples attention, and possibly alienating them as they nod their head and agree, knowing they have almost no idea what you are talking about. And that can prevent you from doing the most important thing–connecting and forming relationships. So how do you get over the Curse of Knowledge and give people the information they want, so it’s easy to digest and sticks with them to make a lasting impression?
Solution: A Communication Skills Session
In this session we practice the tools that neuroscience has proven to make content more accessible and memorable, so we can return to be people relating with other people. By starting with building rapport and asking questions we can start a relationship, figure out a common ground of understanding and where to start our explanations. After we remove all the jargon and insider terminology, we can then use story, emotion, metaphor and imagery we can make our messages clearer and stickier. This can lead to more sales, support or simply understanding.